The History of BBC Radio 1 & 2 Online

Video Transcript

“Well there we end broadcasting in the night program not just for today but as it seems forever. The like program that is at work because it’s known now is closing down but in earlier few hours time the BBC with Paul Hollander will open up on to 47 metres and 1,500 metres and VHF that’s at half-past five and then at 7 o’clock on to for seven meters Tony Blackburn will open and swing into our new Radio 1 Network.

We hope you’ll be with us properly at half-past five but if you like pop music as it should be played and should be introduced in this case for Tony Blackburn, then switch over or switch on to 247 VHF 7 o’clock before the start of radios 1 and radio 2.  Well radio 2 still broadcasting actually here is Robin Scott the controller of BBC Radio 1 and 2 thank you Paul and good morning everyone. Before we check the time now it will be my pleasure and privilege to launch Radio 1 and to all of us here who will work so hard during these past weeks who done so with two principal aims in view.  But also to provide you with a better service of popular music and a greater measure of choice.  A good deal of publicity has surrounded the plans for a day one because in many ways it represents a new concept for BBC radio Radio 1 is designed to be young in heart and in style.

Radio 2 is much more than the old light programme shed of its 2 4 7 meter wavelength it offers many alternatives to pop music whilst retaining the most popular features of the old light programme radio listening is part of the daily life of most of us any change in programs or wavelengths takes some getting used to and the changes involved in Radio 1 M 2 are pretty sweeping. We can only hope that they will find acceptance and in due course we have popularity to the cosmos to what Radio 1 and 2 are going to do.  We’ll be live it’s not possible to rehearse and evaluate everything beforehand like a new pair of shoes which will be breaking the networks in until they fit properly and we must crave your indulgence.  It’s the shoes squeak a bit there we hope they weren’t a very far from a squeak is the exciting sound of George Martin’s theme one for Radio one part.   Which will herald the start of radio ones day from now on and close the combined networks at two o’clock in the morning listen to it now as its receives its first broadcast on radios one end to Radio One’s theme one

[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] music [Music] [Music] Oh baby oh my [Music] this is Radio 2 [Music] right [Music]

See on BBC Radio 2 [Music] there’s company for you [Music] [Music] [Music]

1,500 long way it’s radio BBC a young teenager just for you 1500 on the long-wave this is Radio 2 from the BBC BBC [Music]

Every day music for easy kiss me dear on radio two from the BBC [Music] it’s night-night time listening [Music] this is Radio 2 from the BBC [Music] [Music] [Music]

Additional: Using BBC DNS

2 thoughts on “The History of BBC Radio 1 & 2 Online”

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