How Long do Programmes Stay on BBC iPlayer?

Programmes Now Stay on BBC Player for a Year

There was some great news which slipped out over the weekend that you might have missed! Now the vast majority of shows will stay on BBC iPlayer for at least twelve months. No longer do you have to binge watch Killing Eve because you’re going on holiday or take days off work to stream their latest shows.

Yes all the programmes on BBC iPlayer will stay there for an entire year !!

Previously the standard was three months but many shows were much shorter depending on licensing restrictions. However this change pushes BBC iPlayer back up to the forefront of digital streaming. A whole year after broadcast you’ll be able to enjoy the BBC’s wonderful programmes and even watch them again!

Watching BBC using a VPN

What’s more it’s completely free and you can even enjoy it abroad by just using a fast VPN program on your computer like this one.

How does a VPN help you watch the BBC ?

Here’s how a VPN can help you watch the BBC.  The BBC iPlayer is available only in the UK, and its content is geo-restricted. This means that if you try to access the iPlayer from outside the UK, you’ll be blocked from watching any content. This is where a VPN comes in handy.

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) allows you to connect to a server in the UK, which makes it look like you’re accessing the iPlayer from within the UK. This bypasses the geo-restriction and allows you to watch any content available on the iPlayer.  By using a VPN, your internet traffic is encrypted, and your IP address is masked, making it impossible for anyone to track your online activity. This adds another layer of security and privacy, which is essential when streaming content online.

Overall, a VPN is an excellent tool for accessing geo-restricted content and ensuring your online privacy and security.


Original News release

Here’s the original article from the Guardian.

The BBC will be allowed to keep programmes on its iPlayer service for up to a year after they are first broadcast rather than the current 30 days, in an attempt to help the corporation compete with Netflix.

The media regulator, Ofcom, approved the change provisionally, saying it would “increase choice and availability of public-service broadcast content, and help ensure the BBC remains relevant in the face of changing viewing habits”.

The BBC had said it feared for the corporation’s future unless it were allowed to make the change. It said younger audiences, who were used to watching programmes on Netflix, struggled to understand why shows would disappear from iPlayer after just a few weeks, potentially undermining their willingness to pay the £154.50 annual licence fee.


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